The First  European Election Campaign In 1979
Copy of the Report About The Danish Konservativ Ungdom's
 Campaign for The First European Elections in May-June 1979.

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This report starts several years earlier in the run up to 
the first European Election and at that time, the largest
 Democratic Election that has taken place in the history of Europe.

I was a Constituency Young Conservative Chairman of Hereford 
and later a West Midlands Area Vice Chairman of The British 
Young Young Consevatives as well as a Vice Chairman of Hereford 
Constituency and a member of The Euro Election Selection Committee to 
select a candidate to representent The Euro Constituency of Herefordshire,
 Worcsetershire and West Gloucestershire.

During this period between 1976 - 1979 the Area YC's arranged 
several International conferences and attended many in Europe to 
which I attended with great enthusiasm.

It was at these conferences I met my good old friend Villy Dall who was then
 The National Secretay General of The Danish Konservativ Ungdom

As I had many years previously visited Denmark , it naturally followed 
was one of only a small minority who had visited  the country and 
therefore it became a natural development that the link was created and 
offers to visit Denmark were forthcoming

A letter was officially sent out to International organisations
 inviting  them to send representaives to a conference on 
5/6 May to lauch the start of the KU campaign.

It should be noted that this was several days after the British General Election when
 Mrs Margaret Thatcher was elected for her first term as Prime Minister

I report that I was heavily involved in that campaign and on the actual 
Election Day in Britain, I was making my way over to Denmark after 
 finishing this historical election to commence another historical election Campaign.

So it was in these circumstances I reported and took part in two of the 
most historically important election campaigns in the last century
all in the space of about 10 weeks in 1979

The Items copied are the actual original items and have had 
 a small number of added notes or corrections 


A Quote By myself to To Mrs Margaret Thatcher several years after she
 was elected in the run up to her second election campaign.
' People are more important than money -
 after all, you try making love to a £1 note and see how successful you are'    
   I received a frosty stare  !!!!

Even though I am not a great Mrs Thatcher Supporter, there was a tremendous
 feeling that things we happening in Britain and attitudes were changing. In the rest of the world. 
We had Ronald Reagan  in USA, Michael Gorbachov in Russia,  A Polish Pope in The Vatican
 with a Polish Solidarity Trade Union daring to protest against the Communist Rulers.
Things were changing for the better and it could be clearly felt . Perhaps a
few more of the World leaders  today need to be as charasimatic and straight 
forward as those leaders were and start geting to grips with more improvements
.Certainly, during this period it was an exciting time to be actively involved in Politics.



 Copy of the Report About 
The Danish Young Conservatives Campaign 
 for The First European Elections
in 1979


Invitation to the launch of the campaign and conference 


















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