Ordering / Paying / Post & Packing Etc

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This is a general guide only 
 Please do not hesitate to contact me to
 discuss anything in more detail  etc 



The currencies that are quoted on the pages are only guides
 as the exact  price may reflect a rounding up or a rounding
 down depending on currency exchange rates fluctuation.

Currencies generally quoted will be: 
British £ / USA $ / Euros / Danish Kroner

Other currencies may be requested: For Example:-
Norwegian Kr. / Swedish Kr. / Russian Rubles /  Estonian Kroons / Others on request.


he price Guide for each item is subject to the usual currency fluctuations therefore the prices are an 
approx guide for that item subject to those variations - however some rounding up or down is possible
 and will be discussed  and agreed with you before finalising the agreement.

When ordering an item please send an E-mail with as much information as possible on the item 
and I will confirm the details, price and post & packing information for you to confirm your acceptance.

Please feel free to contact me by telephone / E-mail to discuss your requirements.


All cheques in British pounds ( £ )  are acceptable from an English bank account with clearance
 anticipated about 3 - 4 working bank days. You may also make a direct payment into a British account
 which is the quickest  and easiest way. Contact me for more details .

All cheques in Danish Kroner are acceptable from a Danish bank .
 However, I prefer a direct payment into a Danish Bank konto. Contact me for more information.

All Cheques in Swedish Kroner are acceptable from a Swedish Bank,
 but I prefer a direct payment into a Swedish Bank konto. Contact me for more details.

There are also possibilities for those paying in Estonian Kroons to make 
a direct payment into an Estonian Bank Account.
 Please contact me for more details. 

Other currencies are acceptable after relevant currency exchange and other normal fees by 
money transfer into either an English or Danish bank account. 

There will usually be a fee  of about $15 / £10 / 100 DKr for extra for these bank fees.

( It is hoped that  Mastercard / Visa card / other credit cards, will become acceptable 
 in the future - additional premium fee of approx 5 - 6 % to cover the fees .)

Payment may possibly be made by PAYPAL however an extra fee fee of 
about 2 - 3 % must be added  to cover the extra costs of Paypal. 

It is recommended that any cash payments  if sent, are posted / sent by official International Post Office
 'registered money letters' at a fully recognized Post Office.


Post & Packing
Postage and packing will be designed to ensure that the item is transported to your address as safely and 
economically as possible. Additional insurance for the item must be paid for in the costs. 
 It might be that some items may have to be sent by special courier which must be paid as an additional cost.

     Usually small and non-expensive items will be posted within 1 day of receipt of your payment and posted
 at a local post office using bubble wrap  ( or other suitable materials ) and a official Post Office / Post Danmark  cardboard box

Please ensure that the name and address that you wish the items sent to is clear, 
 special instructions will be looked at individually.


Please feel free to contact me any 
questions about payments and postage etc   




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