A Taste Of Scandinavia & The Nordic
in a few
pictures and words
Let me first define exactly what Scandinavia is ...
Scandinavia is only the
Countries of Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Finland is not in Scandinavia
but is part of the Nordic Countries as are the other three countries.
Generally speaking it would be
true to say that The Danes and Norwegians are more
friendly towards each other
than with The Swedes who are regarded more as 'big brother' .
Norwegian language to the
visitor is Danish with a Swedish accent !!
Danish is very flat and
is swallowed at the back of the throat, whilst Swedish is much more sing-songy.
The Faroe Islands are
Danish 'owned' and send two representatives to the Danish Folketing
as does Greenland which clearly is geographically no where
near Europe even !
Iceland is also regarded as being a close
relative to The Scandinavian Countries but is still not one,
but is a
Nordic Country like Finland .
Therefore just as there can be
confusion regarding Britain, England, United Kingdom and
The British Isles,
there is a similar problem in the very North of Europe also.
Map of Scandinavia and The Baltic Sea Region
The Danish Royal Family
Explore the official Denmark
The Faroe Islands
belonging to Denmark
The official Tourist site to the Faroe Islands
Your Virtual Window on Finland
Vitual Finland
The Åland Islands
Belonging to Finland
The official gateway to Iceland
The official Gateway to Sweden
The official gateway to Norway
Monthly Magazine - Nordic Shop
The Danish Parliament (Folketing)
Folketingets informationssystem
The Nobel Prizes
Founded by The Swedish inventor of dynamite,
Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 and died in 1896.
and thus started the giving of the annual Nobel Prizes
nobel prizes
A link to a true Danish story teller
Hans Christian Andersen
' The Swedish Nightingale'
Jean Sibelius
1865 - 1957
His life and works
Pop at it's best
ABBA- The Site
The Royal Theatre, Copenhagen, Denmark
Home to The Danish Royal Opera and Ballet
Royal Theatre
Palaces, Castles and Properties In Denmark
Kronborg - Frederiksborg -Rosenborg and many more.
Official Government link
The Vikings
Viking Ship and a Viking Man
The Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde, Denmark
The Viking Ship Museum, Oslo, Norway
Trelleborg Viking Camp
Carlsberg Brewery
Tuborg Brewery
Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Factory
The Battle of Copenhagen
2 April 1801
The Battle of Copenhagen, 2 April 1801:
Vice Admiral Lord Nelson's official report to Admiral Sir Hyde Parker
Elephant, off Copenhagen, 3rd April 1801.
In obedience to your directions to report the proceedings of the Squadron which you did em the honour to place under my command, I beg leave to inform you that having, by the assistance of that able Officer Captain Riou and the unremitting exertions of Captain Brisbane and the Masters of the Amazon and Cruizer in particular, buoyed the Channel of the Outer Deep and the position of the Middle Ground, the Squadron passed in safety and anchored off Draco the evening of the 1st.
Yesterday morning I made the signal for the Squadron to weigh and to engage the Danish line, consisting of six sail of the Line, eleven floating batteries, mounting from twenty-six twenty-four pounders to eighteen eighteen pounders and one Bomb-ship, besides Schooner Gun-Vessels. These were supported by the Crown Islands mounting eight-eight cannon and four Sail of the Line moored in the Harbour's mouth and some batteries on the Island of Amak.
The Bomb-ship and Schooner Gun-Vessels made their escape. The other seventeen sail are sunk, burnt, or taken, being the whole of the Danish line to the southward of the Crown Islands, after a battle of four hours.
From the very intricate navigation the Bellona and Russell unfortunately grounded but although not in the situation assigned them yet so placed to be of great service. The Agamemnon could not weather the shoal of the Middle Ground and was obliged to anchor but not the smallest blame can be attached to Captain Fancourt: it was an event to which all the Ships were liable.
The Action began at five minutes past ten - the Van led by Captain George Murray of the Edgar who set a noble example of intrepidity which was well followed up by every Captain, Officer and Man of the Squadron. I beg leave to express how much I feel indebted to every Captain, Officer and Man for their zeal and distinguished bravery on this occasion.
The loss in such a battle has naturally been very heavy. Amongst many other brave officers I have with sorrow to place the names of the gallant and good Captain Riou and Captain Moss of the Monarch who has left a wife and six children to lament his loss.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most obedient Servant,
Nelson & Bronte
( The Battle of Copenhagen is the famous occasion when Nelson held the telescope to his blind eye )
The Second Battle of Copenhagen 1807
British Bombardment of Copenhagen and the
of the City and Danish fleet on 7 September 1807
Battle of Copenhagen (1807)
Whilst Admiral Lord Nelson had died at the
Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 and it was
Admiral James Gambier who led the attack on Copenhagen ,another interesting
is that a certain General Wellesley defeated the Danish forces at Køge, South
of Copenhagen
a few days before the battle. General Wellesley was of course to become
more famous as
The Duke of Wellington and like Lord Nelson to become a great British war hero
and finally
the victor over Napoleon at The Battle Waterloo in 1815. General Wellesley
(The Duke of Wellington)
later also became The British Prime Minister.
Another interesting point was the Horse used By The Duke of Wellington
at the Battle of Waterloo was called Copenhagen.
An excellent link to discover more information about the
street names
and history of Copenhagen city can be found on this link :
To come soon maybe :
Holmegaard Glass
Georg Jensen Silver
Niels Bohr
Søren Kirkegaard
H.C. Ørsted
N.S. Grundtvig
Ingmar Bergman
Volvo / Saab
Gothenborg Canal
Kosta Boda / Orrefors
Alfred Nobel
Greta Garbo
Fjords & Mountains
Icelandic Sagas
The Faroe Islands
The Aland Islands
Reindeer / Lynx / Elk / Salmon / Wolves / Eagles /
Scandimodern Design Furniture