Royal Copenhagen Christmas Plates

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Scandibalt usually has a regular stock of Christmas plates from 1960 up to 1990 available

The prices range from about £20 / $30 / 30 Euros up to 175 /  $250/ 250 Euros

The Royal Copenhagen Factory define a second quality plate as being more than 5% away from perfection and charge 20% less for a second quality plate. Scandibalt stocks both first and second quality plates however we generally charge the same price for most of them unless there are  major reasons not to. It is our experience that a good second quality plate can often be better than a bad first quality plate.  Because when buying in Christmas plates there can be significant variations on the buying price . However we try to average these differences out  so as to maintain a long term stable price . There can be small variations of up to 10 / 20 % depending on quality and buying cost on individiual plates. Therefore the price quoted is 10% plus or minus


Most Royal Copenhagen Christmas Plates from about 1960 up to about 1990 are available.

    Other plates can be found with a few weeks notice.

B & G plates are also available or can be found with reasonable time .



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